Then came my gender ultrasound. it was the end of november i believe. i had to go aone because tyler had to work. a girl from the temp job i was working at met me there, just so i would have someone to share my excitement with. I wanted a boy so so bad for my first born and didnt think i would really get what i wanted. when the ultrasound tech pointed out his "turtle" as they liked to call it i was so excited i could hardly stand it. she printed out a pic of iit so i could show tyler. then she lightened the mood by saying oh look at his little testicles just bobbing in the wind (obviously she meant amniotic fluid but it was still hilarious) so she printed out a pic of that too. I drove out and miraculously made it in time for tylers lunch break. i got out of the car and walked over to him with the pictures. and when he saw it im like see? and he looked at me and smiled saying boy. yep! and we embraced. that was so so exciting! we got our boy!
Next came the search for a place to live. I wasnt working steadily (i had a few temp jobs) and Tyler luckily JUST got a full time job with benefits. So it was trying to find something within our budget. Thank goodness for craigslist. I found a 700 dollar LARGE one bedroom apt (actually bottom half of a house) in Leola for us. We decided on one bedroom because the living room was so big that we had sectioned it off into a nice sized living room and a nice sized nursery. the reason 700 a month was good, was that it literally included EVERYTHING. heat electric water sewer trash. It was such a nice place to live.
So we found this place and decided to move in early december. I was something like 22 weeks pregnant at the time. Ill be perfectly honest. it was kind of nice to be pregnant during a move so i didnt have to do much :P
we also looked for an engagement ring in november. we knew we wanted to get married, not just because of the baby, but because of our love, and our committment to eachother and to our family. we went to a private jeweler so we knew we would recieve a quality stone, because we saw it as an investment and wanted to make the bet choice for our money. i picked the mounting and then a diamond from their vault. tyler picked it up about a week later and kept it for "when the time was right".
i was certain that he would propose on christmas or new years eve/day. so it was kind of a shock when he didnt. it was the sunday before christmas, and i was NOT feeling well. i dont remember why. but i stayed in my pj's all day and ordered an entire large pizza hut pizza and ate it all by myself (lol) and my hair was a mess and no make up. my mom called saying that when we get married my great grandma would want to make us a quilt. i forget what the actual call was for but when we hung up (i was in bed and tyler was in the kitchen) i yelled out to him that my mom said my great grandma wanted to make a quilt for us when we get married. he didnt hear me completely. he asked me to come out to the tree he wanted to show me something. i said no (lol). i was such a bum that day. he kept trying and i kept saying no. so as he was walking to me, i gave up and got out of bed and we collided in the door way to our bedroom. he looked flustered, and i was just looking at his eyes and not what was in his hand. he said "what is your great grandma making a quilt for" and i was so confused, and stubborn, and refused to answer the question and i was getting irritated with him. i stared him in the eyes and in my fit of hormones demanded he be clear with me. He shook his hand and said LOOK. will you marry me Liz?
I felt SO bad for acting that way. but at the same time we both kind of laughed and i put my arms around his neck and said of course! and he put the ring on my finger. originally, he had it hanging on the christmas tree, and wanted me to find it but with my attitude that day- no such luck.
So we shared the news and got really excited and even reserved a big old barn for the reception, and put a deposit on it. what a warm and fuzzy christmas that was :)
then came 2009. i was having trouble with my blood pressure and it was decided that i would be induced at 37 weeks. my blood pressure was 185 over 115. i remember being pissed off becuase i had to walk my rearend all the way across the parking lot to get to my appt. i was miserable when they took my blood pressure, kept saying how they should get a shuttle for further along moms that have to park farther away. so that may have had something to do with it. regardless, it didnt go down and they said to go home take a nice bath and pack my bags, and come in with my husband when i was ready. so i did. they put the cervadil in and within an hour full blown labor began. i recieved an epidural at just 2 cm because i was screaming. i couldnt even catch my breath. i had very bad back labor. they tried 3 times to put an epidural in my spine, and because of a back injury i had, they had trouble locating the ight spot. so no pain relief for liz. worst pain of my life. i remember telling everyone i had to poop and the nurse said to wait til the midwife checked me. she came in and i said please hurry i really have to go poop! and she checked me and she said no hunny you really need to push this baby out. your 10 cm. i said NO, i HAVE to poop. we argued a little until i finally accepted that i HAD to push the baby out. it was march 24th . I pushed (it only seemed like 20 minutes but was 45 minutes) and had to push him out laying on my side with my leg on the air, which sucked...bad. i screamed that i was tearing and she said no sweetie your not. 1:00pm on the dot and 3 tears later (and mind you, i tore upwards 3 ways, not down) and some blood curdling screams i was rolled on my back and a screaming 6 lb 10.4 oz baby boy was placed on my bare chest. i exclaimed THANK GOD FOR HIM I THANK GOD! I was so glad he was perfect and healthy...but i was in shock from the pain so i did not respond very well. i went to stroke his leg and touched the cord instead and said EW. my tears still hurt so bad that i asked the nurses to take him. she stitched me up which i screamed the whole way through as well. thank god though, i healed very fast. and only bled for 3 days.
The next 3.5 months were a blur. Blake Isaac Usner, was a colicky baby. it was day by day. and i hardly remember a lot of it due to the zombie like tired state i was in all the time. I pumped and gave formula as well, then by the time he was 8 weeks old, he was just on formula. about 5 weeks after i had him tyler and i were laying in bed on a sunday morning, and we kind of just decided we wanted to get married now instead of having a big wedding "next yr". so we planned an intimate lake side wedding with just our immediate family for 3 weeks from then. May 14th 2009,with an almost two month old in tow, we said our vows next to lake Grubb. it was perfect for a small wedding. Mayor of Akron John MacBeth married us. he was just who i found lol. my mom made a sweet little "reception" in their dining room, with amazing food. we hope that in 5-10 yrs we can have a big wedding and renew our vows. and i can be the princess i always wanted to be for my wedding.
The last weekend in may, my parents took blake and sent us on a weekend honeymoon to Gettysburg. we had a bast. horse back riding, enjoying the hotel, old fashioned pics, going out to eat, etc. it was wonderful.
TO BE CONTINUED.... I promise just one more time :o) (sorry these are so long)
Again, I cannot WAIT for the next instalment! I love your story, so romantic. LOVE IT!